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1 in 5 Learning Center


Since 2010, 1 in 5 Learning Center has offered specialized learning help for dyslexia, reading difficulties and cognitive skill development. We work with student ages 6 to 96. It is never too late to learn!


All specialists  working for 1 in 5 Learning Center are trained by a highly experienced and certified learning specialist and certified or pursing certification.  Learning specialists effectively work with students in an engaging way that is based on positive feedback and guided discovery. 

All tutoring is online and one on one.   For online tutoring the tutor and student share a screen and can see and engage with each other throughout the session.


My Story

1 in 5 Learning Center began as a journey to find help for my son. By the middle of 5th grade he was failing a 2nd grade ESL spelling class, was a grade behind in reading, and was still in 2nd grade math because he could not memorize basic math facts. Yet, he was "too smart" to qualify for testing. Yes, we agreed, he was very smart, and therefore the problems he faced every day were unexpected. This fell on deaf ears. We began to home school while searching for answers.  I attended a meeting about dyslexia given by Susan Barton. Since my son could read, though poorly, I wasn't sure dyslexia was his problem. When I read the handout on warning signs for dyslexia, I literally cried. My son matched every single warning sign for his age! I began using the Barton Reading and Spelling System and spent countless hours self-educating myself about dyslexia, ADD/ADHD, dysgraphia, and dyscalculia and much more. My son finished all 10 levels of the Barton Reading and Spelling System. In 10th grade, 2 years after completing the program, he not only passed the local community college entrance exam for dual enrollment, he passed into 2nd year English! 

Academic testing at age 16 revealed my son's visual, verbal, auditory processing and long term, short term, and working memory fell in the 2nd to 8th percentile range. Research led me to Equipping Minds Cognitive Development Therapy. After completing 60 hours of therapy, his scores shot up to the 36th through 84th percentiles!


I became aware of the need for specially trained learning specialists.

I pursued further education and certifications not only for dyslexia, cognitive skill development, and metacognition among others. 


I love what I do! There is no greater satisfaction than seeing children and adults, many of whom are defeated and discouraged,  learn and gain confidence in their abilities. 

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